
There’s no doubt that one of the most requested types of orthodontic treatment is “invisible braces” – which  basically mean braces with a minimal  appearance. Traditional braces have the typical image that probably popped in your head, wires and brackets that are bonded to the front of every tooth. Clear aligners and Invisalign are made of custom-made trays that gradually shift your teeth as your progress through your trays. Your orthodontist will make a mould of your teeth (either from a 3D scan or putty impressions) and then design your trays from there.

Clear aligners require a lot of responsibility on you, they must be worn for around 20-22 hours a day and removed every time you eat or drink anything other than water.  But don’t let the responsibility scare you away, clear aligners and Invisalign are a fantastic option for those who want to straighten their teeth without braces or anyone knowing. 

Clear aligners or Invisalign are also great options for those with minor to moderate orthodontic issues. That being said, if you have complex or require surgery clear aligners or Invisalign may not be for you. 

Why is Invisalign your best option?

Invisalign clear aligners are removable and virtually invisible. There are no wires and brackets, so you don’t need to change the way you brush and floss. You can also continue to eat all your favourite foods and do all your favourite sports. Invisalign is less painful, more comfortable option for everyone- teen or adult.

How long will Invisalign treatment take?

Some Invisalign treatments can be completed in as little as 4 months, but depending on the complexity of your case your Invisalign treatment could take longer, with treatment times often ranging between 12 and 18 months. 

How much does it cost?

The average Invisalign cost might be between $4-9,000. It does vary from case to case. Don’t let Invisalign costs stand in the way of a more confident you. Invisalign payment plan financing we are offering allows patients to receive the perfect smile they want today and spread the payment over the months of the treatment duration, all interest free.

Can I use my health fund?

In most cases, the answer is YES. If you have Orthodontic Cover as a part of your health insurance policy, your Invisalign treatment may be partially covered. 

Is Invisalign painful?

Some people may experience minor discomfort at the beginning of each new stage of treatment when a new aligner is inserted. Patients typically describe this as a feeling of pressure. Feeling discomfort during any orthodontic treatment is a good sign as it indicates that your teeth are moving into their new positions. The discomfort typically dissipates after a couple of days as the wearer becomes accustomed to the new aligners.

To know more about the whole Invisalign process, read the second part of this blog Invisalign II.

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